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Local resources categorized for your convenience.

Browse through the categories in the table below, or simply click on one of the blue links to quickly navigate to a specific category. Special thanks to our friends at the Dallas Area Parkinson Society (DAPS) for contributing to this resource list.

Disclaimer: The resources listed here are for information purposes only and do not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by DPR. For further clarification, please refer to Section 3 of our Terms of Use.  Please contact us if you find any information to be inaccurate or if you know of additional local resources that could be beneficial to the Parkinson's community. 

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Didn't find what you're looking for at the blue links above? Browsing through the options below might help. If you are still unable to find what you're looking for, please contact us.


Movement Disorder Specialists, Neurologists

Physical Therapy, Exercise,

Movement, LSVT Big, PWR!Moves

Speech therapy, Swallowing,

LSVT Loud, Speak Out

Mental health, Counseling, 

Support groups


Educational resources,

National foundations

Care management, Home modifications, Medical equipment

Free & discounted healthcare, Financial assistance for medications and misc. needs

Transportation, Rides

Overnight Accommodations, Hotels

Clinical trials, Research studies

Assisted living, Senior living, Palliative care

Legal assistance (Estates, Wills)

Rehab facilities, in-patient

and out-patient therapy

Deep brain stimulation, Duopa, Laser ablations, Focused ultrasound

Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

 Services and resources designed to help you improve your quality of life

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